Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Business Using

AI-Driven Solutions

Automatic Business Method's AI Digital Manager provides an affordable world-class leadership platform that start-ups, small, medium, and large enterprise use to Streamline Operations and Execute Strategies with Precisions.

Why Leadership Benefits With

An AI Digital Manager

How many of these business challenges are real for you?

  • You’re not growing as fast as you would like

  • You’re not meeting your targets

  • Staff seem more like participants than contributors

  • Customers, staff, and investors are not happy

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If any of the above challenges are real for you right now then you’ve come to the right place

Its challenges like these that we specialise in solving, and have successfully solved for managers just like you.

The AI Digital Manger is vital to helping us continually exceed our goals. I feel so much more comfortable and in control of business operations.

Artem Soukhomlinov

CEO / House of IT

As a consultant, the AI Digital Manager has helped me keep my clients focused, engaged, and accountable for the actions that I know are important to their success.

Mathew Jones

Business Strategy & Risk Consultant

Real results our customer are achieving

... imagine not having your problem and being as happy as them!

Why most business fail

Global statistics show that 75% business fail completely and many more fail to achieve their vision, mission, goals, objectives, and targets.

Here’s why:

  • They have the idea and it's the right time.

  • They have the product and service.

  • They have the team.

  • They can't implement or execute.

But what normally happens is, you end up implementing a heap of disconnected tactics that are not aligned with your vision mission or goals. No one gives you the structure that would significantly improve your chances of getting back to what you do best, growing your business.

And without the business operating structure and someone who can just implement it for you, you end up, working 18 hours a day, spinning your wheels, forgetting that you actually have family or friends and feeling like...

Exhausted, frustated and looking for solution?

You see other companies that are succeeding and you know what a world-class management operating platforms are supposed to look like, if only you could get this operation of yours sorted out and producing the results you expect.

After 20+ years as leaders and managers in private and public companies, from start-ups to multinational corporations, we’ve seen many businesses struggle with the same challenges you’re experiencing right now and, as a result, we developed the AI Digital Manager platform. An affordable, world-class management operating platform which is the solution.

More benefits of implementing our world-class

management operating platform

Implementing the AI Digital Manager platform means that you won’t have to think about what a world-class management operating platform looks like. You’ll instantly have the visibility to know what’s working and what isn’t, who’s performing and who’s not and we’ll remove all of the guesswork for how to achieve your vision mission and goals.

We know this because:

  • We already understand what an affordable, world-class management operating platform looks like and we know the importance this plays in business success. You’ll get the structure you desire in months rather than years.

  • We specialize and are familiar with the latest strategy planning and execution techniques. We know what causes businesses to fail and what makes them succeed. Learning from our mistakes was expensive, you’ll learn from our mistakes for free.

  • There is a good chance we don’t need to learn about your specific industry to help you become successful. We have already worked with a broad range of industries from day spa’s to the energy industry and many more. The fundamentals of a world-class management operating platform is the same.

  • The bottom line is, we’ve been able to demonstrate that our world-class management operating platform works. We’ve been helping our customers achieve their visions, missions and goals for many years and we can PROVE IT.

Here’s how we are different from our competitors

Many software platforms are highly customizable, meaning you can customize your own failure, especially if you’re not experienced in running high-performing businesses. Automatic Business Method's AI Digital Manager alleviates the chance of failure. It’s designed to take your specific requirements and integrate them into the structure needed to start up, scale and grow. The Digital Manager takes away all the guesswork for how to achieve your vision, mission and goals.

... that’s why you should check us out!

Who is a good fit to work with us?

Client fit is very important to us. Here are some of the qualities shared by our most successful and longest-standing customers.

  • You have a business that is operating. This is our “sweet spot” where we can add the most value.

  • You already understand and appreciate how important a world-class management operating platform is to business success. You’re not looking for someone to convince you that planning, prioritizing, alignment, engagement, accountability, processes and systems are important to business success.

  • You understand the importance that implementation and execution plays in building world class businesses. If you want someone to tell you how good your business is and turn a blind eye to what’s not working is then that’s not us.

  • You want to produce tangible and meaningful results. You’re prepared to set clear goals and are willing to hold your staff accountable when your expectations are not met even if you don’t exactly know how to get there.

  • Implementing a world-class management operating platform to rapidly grow your business is your number one priority right now.

And who is not a fit?

Just like any business, there are certain types of customers that we’re not able to help.

If any of the following apply, we’re not match:

  • You haven’t committed to creating a successful business yet. Get in touch with us once you’ve worked out which of the worlds problems you’re going to solve and how you’re going to solve it. Start developing your idea, product or service and then give us a call.

  • You think the way your business is currently operating is perfect and that there is not a better way of doing business. We're not in the business of convincing you otherwise.

Here Are The Results Of Working With Us...

  • Fasttrack Business Operating Excellence.

  • Immediate visibility over what’s working and what’s not

  • Move from transactional to transformational leadership with our execution automations

  • 100% money back guarantee. No risk to try

  • Fasttrack Business Operating Excellence.

... that’s why you should check us out!

Here’s how we work

The simple process we follow:


You book a demo


You approve our proposal


We demonstrate StrategyX to your leadership team, get their feedback and gain their approval


We conduct a gap analysis to determine if StrategyX is the right fit for your company and gain your approval to proceed


We migrate your existing data, show you how your business will look with our world-class business operating structure and gain your final approval to proceed


Our onboarding team ensures your staff have the skills to use the StrategyX platform


You start achieving your vision, mission and goals

We ask for your approval to continue after the first 4 steps of our implementation process. We do this so there is absolutely no risk for you to try our platform.

Why you should act now

Business plans don't implement themselves

Every staff member who is not producing results will collect another salary

Problems will repeat if they are not solved in a sustainable way

Every time a business grows more things will break

... which is why you can’t afford to delay any longer!